I wanted to do a blog about sticker design — specifically about how simple eye-catching stickers can draw us in and spark curiosity. As I scoured the masses of sticker designs submitted to PsPrint, I found myself chuckling at and mainly clicking on those designs that used creatures or animals as their focus. Animals make us laugh, bring inspiration and captivate our imagination; making them an invaluable tool for drawing attention to a design or marketing in general. Whether it’s the Twitter bird icon or the birds twittering outside your window, animals are thoroughly intertwined with our modern culture and everyday lives. We have even created our own creatures and gone so far as to give inanimate objects animalistic features. Just think of Domokun, the brown Japanese mini-monster that exploded into recent fame, or Cogsworth and Lumiere, the timeless clock and candle holder duo from “Beauty and the Beast.” I felt that that these eight spunky creature-focused sticker designs deserved a little credit. Here’s to the animals, creatures and monsters that all bring a little color to our lives … and stickers! Without further ado… Something about this design from electro-acoustic group Beats Antique is awkwardly captivating. I can’t tell if it’s comical, morbid or both, but it sure is intriguing!
Rhinos are awesome, and so is this design, which also says you can get awesome by going to their website! That’s a whole lot of awesome. I don’t exactly know what blue rhinos have to do with City Hunt, but I’m sold.
Are ex-boyfriends furry fanged monsters? That was my initial thought upon seeing this sticker, but apparently Ex-Boyfriend is a clothing brand that doesn’t have much to do with ex-boyfriends. However, they have some great designs and donate 5 percent of all profits to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Nice one!
Something about this clever design by Mr. Yarn makes me smile. I don’t know if I’m going to start knitting anytime soon, but I can definitely appreciate a knitting yam.
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow … Octopus! I looked up the book “The Listeners,” and apparently it doesn’t have much to do with actual octopuses. Either way this colorful octopus sure does give this design some flare and the book itself sounds quite interesting!
Apparently this kind of bicycle is called a Velocipede. Throw in a mandolin and a fiddle, and what do you get? One talented Velociraptor, that’s for sure. Major props to Velocipede, a band made up of a fiddle player and a mandolin player, for this cunning creation.
I really like this thought-provoking piece from artist Wolf Krusemark. It's a little bit controversial, a little bit comical and definitely eye catching!
Yes, someone printed this, and I love them for it! Artist Douglas Schatz gave me some background info on this design; apparently, the image has been lurking around the internet since 1994/1995-ish. Douglas took it, blew it up and printed it using PsPrint’s transparent vinyl sticker stock. The stickers were part of a larger art piece focusing on the way people distribute, re-use, and re-contextualize images online in a similar fashion to the way graffiti writers and street artists re-distribute, re-use and re-contextualize popular images in the real world. The stickers were presented alongside a series of prints using the cat-face image, and viewers were encouraged to take the stickers and post them on other images and objects to create real-world remixes. Pictures of the final art piece can be seen here.
Eye-Catching Stickers: Creatures and Animals
April 2, 2012
Bookplate design: 3 tips for graphic designers Print marketing: 7 benefits to leverage in your business
[...] while back I wrote a post about cool stickers that used animals or creatures to catch a viewer’s eye. I was shocked at the creativity of PsPrint customer’s and the number [...]