For folks out there designing a new business card from scratch, redesigning an old card or reordering more another print-run: Consider adding a design to the back of your cards. Amongst the stack of business cards on my desk at the moment, less than 50 percent use the back of the card. To me this is wasted real estate, like a blank print advertisement or billboard space that you are paying for and not using. Why the back of the card is important There's a huge divide between when someone hands you a business card in person and when you actually pull the card out of your briefcase or purse at a later date. Looking at the card again, sometimes days or weeks later, is like a first-introduction all over. That's why designing on both the front and back of the card is a good idea; the more you can say about yourself and your business, the better folks will be able to remember why you stand out and why they should call or visit your store. Here are four easy-to-execute ideas for adding content to the back of your business cards: 1. Map or additional locations
Include a map of your location in relation to major local landmarks or streets. It's best to write out the full street address for folks to enter it into their GPS systems or phones and computers for directions. If there are multiple locations, the back of the card is a great place to list them so customers can easily find the location most convenient to them. 2. Headshot and mini-bio Add personality to your card with a mini biography and headshot on the back. The biography should be short, smart and snarky. Don't be all business, write something in there about your interests and family, or something odd about you like a hidden talent or strange first job. Include either a photo or illustration headshot. I like the pencil illustrations the Wall Street Journal runs next to their articles. Here's a link to a photoshop tutorial where you can turn a photograph into a cartoon 3. Coupon or discount offer I have a National Car Rental card in my wallet right now! Why? Because on the back of the card it says I can redeem a free upgrade on my next car rental. This offer alone has led me to keep the card in my wallet, thus keeping National top-of-mind for my car rental needs. Other ideas are to partner up with other local businesses who will give a discount when your card is shown at their business, then print a list of those other merchants on the back of your card. Or you can print a simple offer, such as 10 percent off. Adding an offer deadline or expiration date will help incite the card holder to take action. 4. Guarantees, shipping or return policies and mission statements is known for it's free shipping on purchases AND returns and its one-year return policy. If your business has any standout product guarantees, or customer-friendly shipping or return policies then by all means, print this information on the back of the card, along with a URL where folks can read the full policy. Mission statements, or short explanations of a company's purpose and philosophy, are also great content for the back of the card. Look for part two of this post, 4 More Back of Business Card Ideas, coming soon!4 Back of the Business Card Ideas
June 9, 2010

About Britt Brouse
Showcasing the Masterful Work of Yoshi TajimaPrint marketing: 7 benefits to leverage in your business
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The PsPrint Blog is a resource for graphic designers, freelancers, small business owners and fans of print marketing. You'll find helpful techniques on printing everything there is to print, including business cards, postcards, brochures, stickers, invitations, greeting cards, door hangers, magnets and more. The PsPrint Blog shares creative ways to improve your design and layout skills, and useful tips for marketing your business in any medium. We also like to have a little fun, sharing design inspiration and spotlighting some our favorite customers' printed pieces in our "Hot Off the Press" series.
[...] of the card, you can say more about yourself and your business. In a previous post, I discussed the first four ideas for printing content on the back of your business cards including: maps or additional locations; a [...]
great post