Want to get the creative juices flowing? Try watching an inspirational or visually stimulating film. Here are five movie recommendations for graphic designers, illustrators and creatives. The first two films below are imaginative journeys into the subconscious and feature powerful imagery and design. The other three the films examine art and design in the real world, documentary style.
1. "The Science of Sleep" Directed by Michel Gondry and starring Gael Garcia Bernal and Charlotte Gainsbourg. Garcia Bernal's character is intensely creative. There's an amazing paste-up scene where he creates his own news-cast from inside his dreaming subconscious using collage and illustration. Gondry's film is a visual delight and even had it's own art exhibit in New York showing ideas and props from the film.
here to watch YouTube trailer for "The Science of Sleep."
2. "Howl's Moving Castle" This animated film by renowned Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki ("Spirited Away," "Ponyo" and "Princess Mononoke") shows a strange, dark world dripping with beautiful detail. It's like watching a work of art unfold.
here to watch the YouTube trailer for "Howl's Moving Castle."
3. "Exit Through the Gift Shop" Directed by Banksy, who you get to "see" with his face shaded and his voice disguised by one of those creepy machines. You don't have to be a fan of Banksy or street art to appreciate this film. It has a surprising story line that makes you re-think about the value of art and design. Click
here for the YouTube trailer for "Exit Through the Gift Shop."
4. "Manufactured Landscapes" This documentary directed by Jennifer Baichwal follows fine arts photographer Edward Burtynsky. Burtynsky has an uncanny ability to find beautiful photographs within the world's industrial landscapes. Click
here to watch the YouTube trailer for "Manufactured Landscapes."
5. "Objectified" A documentary directed by Gary Hustwit that examines product design. Learn how the most influential designers in the world make creative decisions about designing everything from your toothbrush to your personal computer. Click
here for to watch the YouTube trailer for "Objectified."
Good selection. In my opinion one missed movie "Helvetica" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0847817/
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