On July 6, 1879 the first picture postcard was made. In doing research for this article, I found a lot of different dates, times and locations as to when this really occurred. But regardless of the date, I’m just glad that it was invented! It is probably the No. 2 thing I’m asked to do as a designer, second only to logo design. Postcards come in many different shapes and sizes and designs, but one thing that is for sure, the use of them isn’t slowing down anytime soon. If this isn’t something that you’re creating for your clients, now is the time to start. Here are 10 postcards that I’ve created throughout the years, hopefully it will give you inspiration for your next postcard project!
10 Cool Postcard Designs
July 19, 2010
[...] Everyone says that social media marketing is all the rage, but really nothing beats a good ol’ fashioned cool-looking postcard. PsPrint blogger Valerie shares 10 of her favorite postcard designs in her post, “10 Cool Postcard Designs.” [...]