Tools for Building and Testing Your Mobile Site
January 26, 2011

Image via Flickr user philcampbell.
Where are you reading this blog post? Are you at your computer? Are you looking at this on your phone? If you are using a mobile device, I sure hope this blog looks good and is easy to navigate on the small screen! Industry analysts predict that mobile web browsing will eclipse regular computer browsing as soon as 2015. There are already millions of users out there viewing the web on mobile devices. Due to different processing capabilities, navigation and text entry limitations and yes, the small screen size -- viewing a website from a phone completely changes the user experience. If you've got a website or blog to promote your graphic design business, then don't get left in the dust as your viewers shift from computer to mobile browsing. Below is a roundup of links to mobile-site generators that can help you transform your site so that it's easy to view on a phone. Also check out this PsPrint blog post
"Is your Website Mobile-Friendly?" which has a lot of great tips and resources.
Tools for generating mobile-friendly sitesMobile WordPress tools
Tools for testing and simulation
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