In honor of St. Paddy's day, I want to give a shout-out to my local liquor store. This is not just a gratuitous plug for alchohol, my local liquor store is actually behind one of the best flyer printing campaigns that I've seen in a while. I frequent this liquor store because it's close to my house and has an immense beer selection and a make-your-own six pack policy, so that customers can sample many different kinds of beer at once. The store is owned by a guy named Mark, who I feel like I know. The reason I know Mark's name, and talk about him like he's a friend of mine, is because of the flyer that his cashiers hand over with every purchase. The flyer is a simple double-sided 8.5-inch by 11-inch paper that acts as a newsletter of sorts. It is written by Mark and advertises for the store itself, recommending great wines under $10 dollars, or different sales throughout the week, like the 10 percent off liquor on "Thirsty Thursdays." But Mark goes beyond plugging his own merchandise and includes recommendations for other local businesses. For example, he recently purchased a new grill at a mom-and-pop barbecue supply store. He wrote up his experience at the store in the flyer and even let folks know to "ask for Bill." This information makes me feel like an neighborhood "insider," and I want to pass along all of these tips to other neighbors and friends. Somehow there's always something noteworthy or relevant to me in the liquor store flyer, and when I come home with my six-pack, I always post the flyer on the fridge. The flyer acts as a sort of newsletter, communicating with customers and supporting other small, independent businesses with word-of-mouth referrals. Flyers are an inexpensive way to better communicate with your customers and show how your business is integrated with the community and its customers. They can be distributed at the cash register, through the mail or in person. And with only two pages (front and back) to fill, it is relatively easy to come up with content weekly, monthly or even quarterly, depending how frequently you interact with customers. Talk to your print vendor about the unique die-cut shapes, paper colors and other printing options to design your own flyer and make it a success!
Flyer Printing for Small Businesses
March 16, 2010
Very useful article, thanks.
Thanks for stopping by!