With our busy lives sometimes we forget to feed our brains. As we know, the creative process is not like turning on a faucet. Designers have to make an effort to refuel and refresh our reserves. Many time when I’m feeling blocked it’s really more a case of just needing new input. Here are a few ideas on finding inspiration: Design conferences provide a robust infusion of creative fodder. Guest lectures, product demos and keynote speakers provide input. Plus, all the T-shirts and pens you can score. You can also meet so many interesting people at these events. It’s a great place to network, and it’s just plain fun. Design annuals are a good source of inspiration. Only the best of the best make the cut. Flip through the books and you’ll come away with a dozen ideas. If you’re short on cash and can’t borrow some books, spend some time in the bookstore “previewing” their books. Don’t bother looking for them at the library, there won’t be any there. Design blogs and websites are always available. There’s an endless supply of design blogs posted every day, and they are there for your viewing pleasure. Best of all, it’s free. Sign up on an RSS feed. Sure, some of the blogs are not the cream of the crop, but it won’t take you long to weed it out. Keep an idea file. When I see something that I think is unique and well designed I save it. Be curious. If you want to get new ideas, get a new hobby. Pick up the magazine about underwater basket weaving in the dentist’s office. Go into a store that you normally wouldn’t. Follow your curiosity and see where it leads you. How do you get inspired? Let us know.
Have you read any good design books lately?
March 9, 2009

About Lennis
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