The end of the year provides a good opportunity to evaluate your business supplies. If you purchase items for your office by the end of December, you can deduct them when you do your company taxes. If you’re low on cash, use your credit card – by making business purchases this year, you create a tax write-off, yet you won’t have to pay the credit card bill until next year.
So take a look in your storage closet and see what you have. Here’s a list to get you started.
- Calendars. Depending on what size company you have, order them in large batches to save on printing costs. In addition to dispensing them to your employees, hand them out to clients and customers. Calendars are the perfect marketing tool since they remind people of your business every single day.
- Ink cartridges and toner.
- Signage. How are your banners? Are they faded or worn out? If you’ve updated your contact information or only recently built a website, be sure to order updated signs before attending a trade show or event.
- Paper. The cost of paper just keeps going up, so you might as well order now for your copy and fax machines.
- Business cards. Check in with your employees to see who is running low, whether new hires have ordered theirs or if anyone’s information has changed.
- Electronics. If a computer needs upgrading or a monitor is dying, now’s the time to take advantage of year-end sales and earn the tax write-off.
- Notepads. This is another item that is cheaper per item if you order in bulk. Notepads also make a good marketing handout to customers if you have your business information printed on them.
- Packing supplies. These include tape, labels, boxes and bubble wrap.
- Stationery. Be sure your letterhead and envelopes are up to date.
- Pens. Check for ballpoint pens, permanent markers (such as Sharpies), dry-erase markers and highlighters.
- Sales data sheets. Are yours current? And did you know you have green-printing options?
- Miscellaneous. Check for the little things such as paperclips, staples, thumbtacks, tape and correction fluid. Be sure to check on items that are special to your business, such as pencils and erasers for architects and illustrators or hairnets and plastic gloves for restaurants and catering companies.
[...] supplies. You have to buy everything from paper to computers sooner or later, so you might as well make those business purchases in the final weeks of 2009 in order to take the tax deduction in April. Does your company need a new vehicle? That’s [...]
[...] into recycling or the trash. Meanwhile, make sure you’re stocked up on all other office supplies. Here’s a supply checklist to get you [...]