We all need a vacation. I have heard this more times than I can count from not just entrepreneurs but everybody that works. The stress of daily life and work can take its toll on your body and your sanity. When we get to be overworked, the results can sometimes be detrimental to our health. Here are some important ways to help to prevent work burnout and get you back on track: Schedule a regular time off It may be a certain day of the week or it might be a half day on Wednesday, but carve out an amount of time where you don’t do anything work related.
Valerie Thompson
Author Archive | Valerie Thompson

I had to make a crucial decision and surprisingly, it wasn’t when I started my business, but rather right in the middle of my success.
I had to decide if it was going to be more important for me to accommodate my clients and their budgets or accommodate my rent. Guess what? The rent won! I have had so many of my clients try to negotiate with me on my prices. I’m sure that all freelancers have. And don’t get me wrong, there are times when negotiation is fair and reasonable.

1. Build your portfolio This will be your No. 1 seller. In the graphic design market, people are most concerned with your skill level.
Showing off that portfolio separates you from other candidates for job positions or new clients; either in a good way or bad. Make sure that you have strong pieces to show off, and if your portfolio is lacking, try beefing it up with work for friends, family, local businesses or your own business. 2. Network If you’re deciding to enter the freelancing arena, networking is key.

Communication is probably the biggest factor in having your own business, graphic design or any other.
Your clients are going to relay information to you and they are going to expect you to take what they give you and make something mind blowing out of it. Of course, you’re capable of doing that!

You guys know I love free stuff! So I had to share one of the things I use the most in my work: brushes.
They save so much time and energy, because they are pre-made designs or pictures than I can use in my projects. Just like a stamp gives you an impression when you press it down on paper, a brush does the same thing. It is a picture or an effect that with a click of the mouse, you can have a glowing star, a pretty ribbon, a city building or a picture frame.

For a busy entrepreneur, time management is imperative. It seems as though every second of the day is important, and if time is continually being wasted, you start to feel unproductive.
Here are some tips to help you get through that day and start to accomplish more: Take an inventory of your daily routine Find out what you really do everyday, not what you think you do or what you “need” to do so you can see where time is being wasted. You can do this by taking a typical business day and writing down everything that you do and how long you took to do it.

Here are the remaining five things from my list of 10 things to consider when thinking about starting or just recently starting your own freelancing graphic design business, picking up with No. 6:
6. Get a P.O. Box and business phone number If you give out your personal cell phone number to clients, you may regret it. I did that, because at the time it was all I had, and I didn’t think it would be a big deal.

I believe that almost everybody has dreamed of owning their own business; firing their boss, striking out on their own and being successful while sleeping late in the morning and taking long lunches. I, however, was not that person.
I never wanted to own my own business; I saw it as having to be the boss to others, keeping up with books and receipts, and being responsible for battling with the competition for new customers.

Here is part two of my list of basic colors and their influence on people’s feelings, how it makes people perceive others and associations that have been made with these colors in the past and present.
Green Green is normally associated with nature and the environment. Green occupies more space in the spectrum visible to the human eye, making it the most sensitive to most shades of that color. It is the easiest color on the eye and can improve vision. It is a calming, refreshing color. People waiting to appear on TV sit in "green rooms" to relax.

One of the most important elements to any graphic project is color. Especially when it comes to logos, color is a widely used stimulant to evoke a feeling, memory, state of mind or mood.

If you’re currently a graphic designer, or even want to be one, but just don’t have the money to take a four-year program at an accredited design institution, there is no need to worry.
Design, especially graphic design, is a field that allows you to learn at your own pace from many different sources. I’ve seen graphic artists that have created some of the most amazing projects and they never had a formal education.

So you’re a graphic designer, and you’ve got your laptop, and you’ve purchased Photoshop, and you’ve made up your business cards. but something’s missing. Clients! We’ve all been there. Sitting at home twiddling our thumbs wondering why the phone isn’t ringing with business. There used to be a time, even after the Internet was created, when telecommuting jobs were rarely started online. Either you work for a company in-house and they allow you to stay at home after a while, or you meet your clients face to face first and then complete your projects at home.
What is the PsPrint Blog??
The PsPrint Blog is a resource for graphic designers, freelancers, small business owners and fans of print marketing. You'll find helpful techniques on printing everything there is to print, including business cards, postcards, brochures, stickers, invitations, greeting cards, door hangers, magnets and more. The PsPrint Blog shares creative ways to improve your design and layout skills, and useful tips for marketing your business in any medium. We also like to have a little fun, sharing design inspiration and spotlighting some our favorite customers' printed pieces in our "Hot Off the Press" series.