10 Stunning Laptop Covers

July 8, 2010

The jobs that are available to a graphic designer are endless; the very machine that is used to create graphic designs can be a great way to springboard into another design service. Laptop covers are becoming more and more popular these days and are a great way to capitalize on those stunning designs that you’ve been coming up with. Use your skills to come up with a skin that would appeal to your client, and who knows, one day you could look up at the coffee shop and see your art on the front of someone’s computer! shalgo.com paradoxoff.com poputech.com gforgadget.com 1.bp.blogspot.com poputech.com poputech.com doodlage.com grannybuttons.com

Valerie's picture

About Valerie Thompson

Jennifer's picture
Jennifer January 07, 2016 03:21 am #

I just got the Threadless newsletter that says they've teamed up with Dell to create cool laptop designs: http://www.threadless.com/news/609720/T_10_Threadless_Dell_We_re_EVERYWH...

Valerie's picture
Valerie January 07, 2016 03:21 am #

Thank you for the link Jennifer, this is so cool!!!

Anonymous's picture
January 07, 2016 03:21 am #

[...] story Is your laptop naked? How embarrassing! Check out Valerie’s post, “10 Stunning Laptop Covers,” which features 10 of the most creative laptop covers on the market and tells you where you can [...]

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