Most people can spot a traditional autumn color palette. From hues of orange and yellow to deep reds and dark browns, graphic designers use the season to guide color choices. On your Thanksgiving designs, help potential customers identify holiday promotions through the use of color and stand out from your competitors with all of your marketing materials. This year, try to incorporate a touch of tradition along with a different hue or contrasting color. Also, consider how color influences customers when you’re designing Thanksgiving postcards, flyers, ads and other branded materials. For your inspiration, consider the following 17 Thanksgiving color palettes for use in your own designs.
Thanksgiving color palettes
1. Color Spice by Design Seeds
2. Thanksgiving by DianeS
3. Pie Tones by Design Seeds
4. Pumpkin Feast by derfell
5. Mineral Tones by Design Seeds
6. Gratitude by lesaint
7. Feathered Tones by Design Seeds
8. Cold Turkey by Pennington
9. Autumn Dew by Design Seeds
10. Turkeys by syork
11. Tomato Tones by Design Seeds
12. Young Pilgrims by despise
13. Autumn View by Design Seeds
14. Turkey by unionface
15. Cinnamon Tones by Design Seeds
16. A Weary Pilgrim by symea
17 . Autumn Palette by Design Seeds
Find your favorite Thanksgiving color palettes and create your holiday marketing materials today.
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