A lunchtime chat with PsPrint co-workers led to a discussion of the upcoming "Yogi Bear" movie – along with that unfortunately designed poster – and how the cartoon was not beloved when we were kids. What was, though? Some children’s shows that had trippy opening title sequences, such as these:
5 Retro Children’s Show Logos
December 13, 2010
Craving more nostalgia? Check out my "Graphic Design Through the Decades" series for Inspiredology, featuring the 1960s, the ’70s and the ’80s.
I recall sending away for a toy biplane, just like Dick Dastardly's. It was a joyous day when it arrived in the mail. Sending away for cool mail order stuff is a great childhood memory.
Did the plane actually fly?
[...] You might need to make a single photo look old and aged, or you might want to create a completely retro-themed design, such as an old B-movie poster. Learn how to use Photoshop to give any design a retro look with [...]