Has your mailbox been overflowing lately? Of course it has. Election season is print marketing season. I can't open my mailbox without being bombarded by print marketing materials telling me to Vote Yes on This and Vote No on That, and Don't Vote For Him, Vote for Me.

This is just a single day's worth of election mailers in my mailbox. (Photo by Sonia Mansfield)
Window Cling designed by Frank Gonzales and Lindley Harmon for I Ran 4 A Sled Dog, a 5K Run/1-Mile Walk for Northern Lights Sled Dog Rescue and H2M2Nation.com
Car door magnet for ArtyChokers.com
Brochure for Phillies
Business card for Glama-Rama Barber Shop
Die-cut sticker for Mission Bicycle. The artwork is an adaption of the original bicycle messenger stamp, which Mission Bicycle explains in its blog post here.
Postcard design by Lindsay Winkler for Two Leaves & A Bud
Adhesive banner for Witch Doctor
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