The entries have already started coming in, and voting has begun, in PsPrint’s $10,000 Holiday Card Contest! We’ll accept your original greeting cards through Oct. 30, but the earlier you enter, the better chance you have of winning, since visitors to the gallery are the voters! If you’re a graphic designer who starts planning for the holidays in the summer, then ’tis the season for PsPrint’s $10,000 Holiday Card Contest! Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or Festivus – for the rest of us! – PsPrint’s $10,000 Holiday Card Contest is open to graphic designers, students, PsPrint fans and customers. Designers: This is your chance to whip up a winning holiday design rather than settle for the ho-hum boxes at the store. And did we mention the chance for a share of $10,000 in prizes and printing services? PsPrint is posting all contestants’ greeting card designs on our Web site, where customers are voting for their favorites. And you can get in on the competition, too, as we encourage you to advocate for your own design – urge your friends to vote for you! Facebook your entry! Tweet it! In other words, find as many ways possible to link back to your entry. Prizes will be awarded in two categories: Best Design and Most Humorous. That’s right; you can submit as many as 15 design entries in two categories, just in case your mind is brimming with ideas. You’d better start thinking fast of your holiday card design, because beginning today contestants have been submitting their images for holiday greeting cards. Your design will then be showcased on PsPrint's blog site along with those of other contestants, and online voting has commenced. Contestants may submit holiday card entries through Oct. 30. Finalist voting will begin a few days later, on Nov. 2, and will continue through Nov. 16. Winners will be announced on Nov. 18. Each grand prize winner will receive a $2,000 gift card from Apple, HP or Amazon, plus free printing of 1,000 greeting cards. Runner-up winners will receive $200 gift cards and free printing of 250 copies of their cards. Any questions? Then check out the rules for PsPrint’s $10,000 Holiday Card Contest. Good luck!
Now Accepting Submissions for the $10,000 Holiday Card Design Contest!
October 14, 2009
This is a great contest from a great company! I've really enjoyed working with you as my printer for a few years now.
I just had a quick question- I've uploaded a design for this and some of my coworkers have logged on to vote, but others have been unable to as it says "no changes" when they click on it to vote for the first time. Is this a glitch?
Hi Jenny. Thanks for the compliments, and we're thrilled you entered our contest!
According to our tech wizards, you're likely experiencing a problem voting because the voting filters by IP - if your co-workers are all voting within the office, most likely they will show up as all one IP or blocks of the same IP, and that will prevent them from voting. We suggest asking your co-workers to visit your image page from their home PCs or some other off-site computer and cast their votes there. Sorry for this, but it'ss meant to prevent vote fraud and spamming, so our intentions are good!
Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any more questions, and good luck!