I used to hate, hate — let me say this again — hate it when my college instructors had us do page after page of thumbnails. As much as I hated them — and, honestly, I still don’t do as many as I shoul...
I love clean design. To me the less information, a.k.a. words, the better because I’m a visual thinker. The reality of media today, regardless of learning processes, is the fact that your window of op...
I use leaders in InDesign on a frequent basis since I happen to do quite a bit of publication designs. Back in the day, I used to have to do this manually in Quark, and when InDesign first came out it...
Psychologists have gotten their degrees based on their study of why we buy. The art of marketing is a highly prized skill. Knowing how to get people to buy is needed by all companies. So, what are the...
When it comes to selecting a paper stock for a project many times it comes down to personal preference. Most designers will consider the message of the piece and the audience, or what kind of artwork...
I learned a hard lesson as a freelance graphic designer not too long ago. When you have a client — even if it’s a friend like mine was — and they are known to be a stickler for color, then get a press...
I’ve been there: The client calls and says they have a deadline to meet, and it was yesterday. They aren’t the only client you have that is on a deadline so whom do you serve first? This is always tri...
Sometimes we, as graphic designers, forget the ascents of our role. We get caught up on the trends and the techniques. Trying to produce cutting-edge work or award-winning work is fine, but when it co...
Get surefire attention with a self-promotion that goes 3-D. Instead of a flat, blah envelope that can get lost in the shuffle, put a box on a prospective client’s desk. Nobody can resist the need to s...