Probably the most important aspect of any direct-mail campaign is to make sure your postcard or brochure stands out and accurately represents your company. Not only does it have to standout and be bold in terms of color, text and appeal, but it also needs an unmistakable call to action. You must include an offer that your customer is sure to act on.
Jerry Brisinger

About Jerry Brisinger
I am the Marketing Director of a small media development company. We deal with hardware,software, and hard goods. As part owner of that company, I am able to see many of the true inner workings of the decision making process. Over my years in the marketing field I have striven to show simplify people's way of thinking on the subject. Many executives and small business owners try to over complicate the entire idea. They are wrong. In my posts I hope to show you what it is that I mean.
Author Archive | Jerry Brisinger

Yesterday I opened the newspaper to read about the latest bailout mess. AIG seems to be paying bonuses right and left. The members of Congress are pointing fingers and claiming they were unaware of the impending payments. No one in government is at fault.
The pamphlet has been used to convey a quick message for centuries. Hawkers would distribute them to people on the street, companies have mailed them, advertisers have inserted them into newspapers, and the military has dropped them from airplanes. What has kept this marketing tool alive for so long?

Save some trees by going green with your marketing materials.
I like to bring some eco-friendly print news to light from time to time. It might seem like a waste, so I thought I'd share some statistics to help put things into perspective.
I was driving down the main street here in town yesterday, and I noticed a trend in the signs in the stores. They all referred to the recession as a joke. Not that the loss of jobs are a joke, or people losing their homes is funny, but they made fun of the situation. You know: Inflation-proof ice cream or something like that.
Most business school graduates recognize the four Ps, but there are a lot of small businesses out there that are not run by MBAs and shudder at the word itself. I thought I would bring the four horsemen of marketing to them in this post. In the early 1960s, Professor Neil Borden identified a number of company performance actions that can influence the consumers decision to purchase goods or services. Borden suggested that all those actions of the company represented a “marketing mix." Professor E.
Let me first acknowledge that I know the recession is real. I know people are losing their jobs, homes and life savings. I get that. But the truth is ... we’re making it worse. We’re letting fear make it worse. Just like the kid who works himself up into a frenzy because he imagines what might be under his bed -- we're allowing panic and all the hype freeze us with fear. The evening news tells us to be afraid, so we are. We have buyer's paralysis. That paralysis is the biggest threat your business has ever faced. Look around you. Ask other business owners.
Psychologists have gotten their degrees based on their study of why we buy. The art of marketing is a highly prized skill. Knowing how to get people to buy is needed by all companies. So, what are the basics? One obvious motivator is pleasure, though the triggers for pleasing emotions are not so easily discovered. A recent study proved some smokers who see the Surgeon General's warning on cigarettes were actually excited about by it.
With the current economy, businesses are looking for less expensive ways to keep their company's name in front of customers. All out print onslaughts are not in the budget for the new year.
Here are three tried-and-true recession proof marketing tools:
I sat down today and suddenly discovered that there wasn't a thought in my head. I figured a cup of coffee would help. Nope. Maybe a shower. Didn't do it either. What in the world is the matter with me. I just spent an hour talking with the guy two houses down about football, but I can't sit down and write a few paragraphs.
I have repeatedly said that you have to be prudent in these economic times, but have to continue to spend money on your printed advertising. You have to learn how to get the best return on investment possible. Well, how do you do that? It is easy to do. You already have a customer tracking system in place, even if it is in your head. Short run, focused print ad campaigns are the way to go.
All you have to do is read some of the headlines on the news websites and see that some of the marketing “gurus” are beginning to advocate a shift from print materials to an online attack. I think they are way off base. Online material has its place in your overall strategy, but will never stand alone. Customers thrive on the personal touch of an ad, something they can touch. Tangible printed materials sway many customers to buy from you.
What is the PsPrint Blog??
The PsPrint Blog is a resource for graphic designers, freelancers, small business owners and fans of print marketing. You'll find helpful techniques on printing everything there is to print, including business cards, postcards, brochures, stickers, invitations, greeting cards, door hangers, magnets and more. The PsPrint Blog shares creative ways to improve your design and layout skills, and useful tips for marketing your business in any medium. We also like to have a little fun, sharing design inspiration and spotlighting some our favorite customers' printed pieces in our "Hot Off the Press" series.