In my last post I introduced the four elements of website presentation. Now, I will go more in depth to show you what I mean. Engage Engage the audience with something entertaining. Do it with talking frogs, a cute gecko, something that helps to make a person laugh or at least think your ad was “cute.” Cute sells a lot faster than leaving them scratching their heads as to what the point was. Whatever you use, stick with it.
Jerry Brisinger

About Jerry Brisinger
I am the Marketing Director of a small media development company. We deal with hardware,software, and hard goods. As part owner of that company, I am able to see many of the true inner workings of the decision making process. Over my years in the marketing field I have striven to show simplify people's way of thinking on the subject. Many executives and small business owners try to over complicate the entire idea. They are wrong. In my posts I hope to show you what it is that I mean.
Author Archive | Jerry Brisinger
I am a marketing guy. So, why is a marketing guy tackling website presentation? Well, how am I supposed to market a company that looks outdated or frumpy online? If I am selling a company or brand then the website has to look as cutting edge as possible. It at least has to look as if someone thought things through and not just slapped up a site to satisfy their boss. There are many different aspects of website presentation.
Subcontracting is like a dirty word to a lot of people. They have had experiences that have left a bad taste in their mouths. I can't say as I blame them. I have had a hit or miss relationship with other writers when I have tried to ship work out. So, what are the secrets to subcontracting? Your guess is as good as mine, but here are a few things that I do know.
Know your subcontractors limits. Ship light, easy work at first then slowly step up the workload until they fail. You will then know their limitations.
As a freelancer writer and marketing guru(self proclaimed) I have faced the every depressing feeling of being overwhelmed with work. You know, you turn on the computer and 30+ emails, sales notices, and people with questions or revision requests. These are all money to be had, but how do you make time to get to them all?
As you fall farther and farther behind, you start to feel the urge to slack in the quality department. Maybe rush through the proofreading, maybe only research from one source. In truth, what good will it do you?

I want to start off by telling you what I mean by a lounger. I mean the guy sitting by the pool by noon sipping a Mai Thai.
The guy out for a ride on his motorcycle whenever the mood hits him or taking the kids out on the boat for a few hours in the middle of the day. You can be that guy! How to do that with a freelance business is the question on your mind.
Testimonials are a vital tool for any business coming out with any print campaign. Brochures are not the same without at least one testimonial.
Whether you are marketing a new product or selling an old one, customers feel more relaxed knowing that someone else has had a positive experience with your company and your product.
Companies are interested in Twitter because they know that conversation is a powerful and persuasive tool on the internet right now and Twitter is where that conversation is happening right now.
The more Twitter grows the more it will be used.
Here are some interesting facts about Twitter:
For one reason or another Twitter has caught fire and gone mainstream. The main reason , I think, is the instant access to news as it happens.
The attack in Mumbai was instantly broadcast, there were immediate glimpses of passengers being evacuated from the plane in the Hudson River. Our need for instant gratification is serviced by Twitter like never before.
You can put together the best website anyone has ever seen, but if it is not user friendly it will never be effective or convert sales. Here are 8 tips to creating a user friendly website.
Starting your own business can be quite a headache. So many things need your immediate attention.
The main driving factor right now is that most people are losing their jobs and looking for a way to maintain that old income level. Hundreds of them are trying to start their own business, but do not really know what steps to take to do it. Well, here are seven steps to help you get started.
What is the job of the headline? To get someones attention. A good headline pulls the readers attention farther down to the story itself. It makes a reader say to themselves: “What's this?”
Your headline should do all of these things: create curiosity, promise an answer or a solution, include a benefit to the reader.
New copywriters may feel overpowered by all of the different mediums they are having to learn how to write.
It doesn't matter if you are searching for a job as an agency copywriter or a freelancer, there are five basic mediums you have to know how to write.
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The PsPrint Blog is a resource for graphic designers, freelancers, small business owners and fans of print marketing. You'll find helpful techniques on printing everything there is to print, including business cards, postcards, brochures, stickers, invitations, greeting cards, door hangers, magnets and more. The PsPrint Blog shares creative ways to improve your design and layout skills, and useful tips for marketing your business in any medium. We also like to have a little fun, sharing design inspiration and spotlighting some our favorite customers' printed pieces in our "Hot Off the Press" series.