I hate being in a rut. When I’m overworked and deadlines are staring me down, it can block my creativity. Sometimes I’ll find myself just gazing into my computer monitor praying that an idea will come to me. I know my graphic artist colleagues will agree that having a creative block is one of the worst feelings in the world. But all creativity comes from one thing: inspiration. If you’re stuck at home, or in the four walls of your office at work, sometimes inspiration can seem a little scarce (how many ideas can you really get from that “motivational” poster of a cat hanging from a tree).
Valerie Thompson
Author Archive | Valerie Thompson

Drawing by Robert MacMillan I love graphic design so much that if I could, I would do it for free. Just to see the smiling faces of my clients is payment enough. Well, that might be stretching it a little bit, but giving back to my community and to those who have helped me along the way is important to me. But I never really realized how beneficial giving back could be for my business and me.

Social networking sites are all the rage today. Some people look at them as ways for teenage girls to gossip about boys and show off pictures from weekend parties, but they are far more powerful than that. Websites such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and even YouTube can provide you ways to network with a target audience across the world that might not be as accessible in any other way.

I don’t think that I work in greater partnership with anyone as I do with printers. Most of my clients require printing services and expect me to handle the ordering, paying, delivery and any troubleshooting if necessary. Although I’ve dealt with many different printers, one thing remains the same: If I make their job easier by having all files and instructions to them correctly the first time, they’re much happier, and the job goes a lot quicker. Most printers understand that sometimes mistakes are made, and sometimes, those mistakes are made by the printers themselves.

Ever looked at someone’s logo and thought, “I would never eat there! I would never shop there!

Every business from the major corporation to the home-based business needs promotion; a way to get your name out to your target market. Even if you’ve had your business for a while, you may be looking for some distinctive ideas to keep your business in the minds of your current and future clients. We’ve all seen the mailed advertisements that people toss aside as junk. Although somewhat effective, these types of advertisements are often impersonal and not that cost effective. Here are 10 unique ways (some of them free) to get your next new client: 1.

I’m sure people tell you all the time what a talented design prodigy you are. And, of course, you don’t let it get to your head (smile), but you might look at your work and think, “Wow! This is pretty sweet. Your friends, clients and grandma (who is oh-so proud of you) are a great start to getting recognition, but nothing is greater than being recognized by your competition and by experts who, unlike grandma, don’t have to see you on Thanksgiving if your work doesn’t measure up. I’m talking about design competitions.

I’ve had my graphic design business for four years now, and I think the part that continues to hit me over the head the most about owning my own business is … well … the business part! If I could sit in a room and do art all day, leaving the bills and the invoices to someone else, that would be my dream. Unfortunately, most of us that start our own businesses have to pay our dues first before being able to have those types of employees. We have to be our own accountants, secretaries, marketing experts and technical support reps.

Do you see someone’s flyer and say, “How did they do that?” Or you see someone else’s website and wonder, “Where did they come up with that idea?” I’ve done it too many times to count. But one thing that has increased my skills and opened up my creativity even more during the past couple of months has been online tutorials. Tutorials are a free, easy-to-understand way of learning the tricks that people use to make such eye-catching design material. Some of them are videos, others you can just read or download, but the end result is the same.

If you’re a graphic artist, I’m sure you can agree with me when I say, enough Scriptia! Enough Times New Roman! Enough Zapfino! Sure, these fonts are pretty, and if used correctly, they can enhance any elegant graphic project just right, but there are millions and millions of fonts out there that are even cooler and can give your graphic projects that unique edge. When I first started off in design, I always admired people who had just the right font in their project. I thought to myself, “Wow!
What is the PsPrint Blog??
The PsPrint Blog is a resource for graphic designers, freelancers, small business owners and fans of print marketing. You'll find helpful techniques on printing everything there is to print, including business cards, postcards, brochures, stickers, invitations, greeting cards, door hangers, magnets and more. The PsPrint Blog shares creative ways to improve your design and layout skills, and useful tips for marketing your business in any medium. We also like to have a little fun, sharing design inspiration and spotlighting some our favorite customers' printed pieces in our "Hot Off the Press" series.