A notepad is perfect for jotting down moments of inspiration, doing quick math and giving yourself reminders and makes a great marketing tool for business.
Jennifer Moline

About Jennifer Moline
Jennifer Moline writes for the PsPrint Blog as well as maintains its Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus and Pinterest presences. She also guest-blogs for such notable graphic design blogs as Fuel Your Creativity and Inspiredology. She’s previously written about technology and small business for news websites, magazines and newspapers. In her off-hours, Jennifer can be found roughing it in the mountains or tucked away in a movie theater.
Author Archive | Jennifer Moline
Here’s a list of alternative holiday tunes you can legally download. You can also create and print CD inserts and hand out the mix - marketing idea in disguise!
Happy Thanksgiving From PsPrint! Please have a happy and safe holiday! We’re closed today but will be open on Friday for your orders, questions and pickups.

Here is what creative professionals can be grateful for that are borne out of the recession: online classes, optimistic stories about print and freelance cred.

Here are tips for catching up on work instead of Black Friday doorbuster sales: Back up files, return e-mails, test-drive new tools and apps and give thanks.
Catherine and Kyle Fischer started Wild Card Circle, which provides consulting, workshop training and a community to small businesses.

Here are some simple ideas to make Thanksgiving memorable – some are even marketing tips in disguise. Host a potluck and organize a food drive.
A menu is one of the biggest advertisers for a restaurant. Be sure to design and print one that's green and uses spell-check. It will make for a marketing tool!

It’s not too late to take advantage of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. Learn how to add some fall flair to your website and enewsletter with these tutorials!
Google Wave is among the latest tools that people are dying to get their hands on. Invitations are exclusively doled out. But is it vital to your business?
Recognition is the beauty of marketing your business through a calendar. Creating a calendar is pretty simple – templates are readily available.
A lot of the members of Generation X and Y have been programmed to have a sense of entitlement. But the recession has forced us to expand our job search.
What is the PsPrint Blog??
The PsPrint Blog is a resource for graphic designers, freelancers, small business owners and fans of print marketing. You'll find helpful techniques on printing everything there is to print, including business cards, postcards, brochures, stickers, invitations, greeting cards, door hangers, magnets and more. The PsPrint Blog shares creative ways to improve your design and layout skills, and useful tips for marketing your business in any medium. We also like to have a little fun, sharing design inspiration and spotlighting some our favorite customers' printed pieces in our "Hot Off the Press" series.